
Safety Rules

The Guatemala Tourist Commisssion has issued some guidelines to help you enjoy your vacation in Guatemala. For your convenience, they are reproduced below.

  • Use only the authorized taxis, those are clearly identified. 
  • Never leave your personal belongings unattended. 
  • Alway carry a photocopy of your passport, showing your photograph and the date you entered the country. Leave the original in the safety deposit box of the hotel. 
  • Keep your airline ticket, important documents, cash and travel checks in the hotel safety box. Write the numbers of your travel checks in a separate place. 
  • Always change money at a bank or hotel. Never on the street. 
  • Don't wear valuable jewelry and carry only the amount of money you'll need for each day. 
  • Guard valuable items you are carrying, such as cameras and video cameras.-Put your wallet in your front pocket and carry your purse crosswise. 
  • When renting a vehicle it is very important to become familiar with driving rules and regulations of the country. Please review the following summary of Guatemala's traffic laws: 
  • Always carry your driver's license, photocopy of your passport and car-rental contract at all times.

  1.  Minimum and maximum speed limit varies and is posted throughout the-highway system. 
  2.  riving under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs is strictly prohibited. The law enables police officers to perform alcohol test on drivers. 
  3.  The law requires all car passengers to wear a seat belt. 
  4.  Pull over if a plice officer asks you to do so. They must be in a uniform; ask for their identification. Police officers may ask you to stop if there is an accident ahead, a check point, or if you are violating the law by not carrying a license-plate or exceeding the speed limit, for example. 
  5.  our personal documents and the vehicle registration papers are private property and may not be retained by a police office for any reason. 
  6.  If you are involved in a accident, always wait until a police officer or an insurance company representative arrives. Do not move your vehicle. 
  7.  Under no circumstances give money to a traffic police or other police officers. 
  8.  If a police officer insists on stopping you or retaining your documents for no apparent reason, ask him to escort you to the nearest police station to clear the problem. 
  9.  Do not stop for people making signals and never stop for hitchhikers. 
  10.  Do not drive through or park your car in poorly lighted areas. Never leave your car on the street; always park in a parking lot. 
  11.  Do not leave any belongings in the car where they might be spotted by passers-by. 
  12.  Keep your car locked at all times. If you are driving in a downtown area, keep the windows shut. 
  13.  Cab drives must carry a visible identification in tghe cab, including their name and photograph, They must use their meters for trips of 12 kilometers of less, for longer trips, the fare might be negotiated before hand. 

  •  For safety inside national park and at the beach, follow these tips. 

  1.  Read the safety rules posted inside the parks, To ensure a safe and-pleasant visit. walk along the marked trails. 
  2.  If is best to explore the rails in groups of two or more. 
  3.  Do not touch the plants or attempt to pet the animals. 
  4.  At the beach, before entering the water, find out which are the safest areas. 
  5.  Request information about tides and undertows with your hotel lifeguards. 

  •  If you want to extend your stay in our country, you must request the necessary permission from the Immigration Authorities. Any problems must be reported at the National Police headquarters, where you should receive a written copy of your statements.